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JabRef is the real open source bibliography reference manager. It uses BibTeX as its native format. It is an excellent editor for BibTeX files allowing you to perform several actions when dealing with


JGibbLDA is a Java implementation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) using Gibbs Sampling technique for parameter estimation and inference. The input and output for JGibbLDA are the same format as G


JGraph specialises in browser-based diagramming components and applications.


“结巴”中文分词:做最好的 Python 中文分词组件


Provides an easy-to-use class of matrix with MATLAB-like functions and syntax. JMAT also includes plots and histograms in 2D or 3D, an expression parser, and some statistic simulation tools.


KNIME, the Konstanz Information Miner, is a free and open-source data analytics, reporting and integration platform. KNIME integrates various components for machine learning and data mining through it