The rise of software as a research object is mirrored by increasing interests in quantitative studies of scientific software. However, inconsistent citation practices have led most existing studies of this type to base their analysis of software impact on software name mentions, as identified in ful...
Scientific software resource navigation
How important is software to library and information science research? A content analysis of full-text publications
We investigate the contributions of scientific software to library and information science (LIS) research using a sample of 572 English language articles published in 13 journals in 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2017. In particular, we examine the use and citation of software freely available for academic u...
Evaluation of the quality of research software is a challenging and relevant issue, still not sufficiently addressed by the scientific community. Our contribution begins by defining, precisely but widely enough, the notions of research software and of its authors followed by a study of the evaluatio...
Research software citation in the Data Citation Index: Current practices and implications for research software sharing and reuse
The aim of this study is to explore the phenomenon of research software citation and, in particular, to draw attention to the increasing importance of this form of citation in scholarly communication. This research sheds light on the current status of formal software citation that is captured by cit...
The PLOS ONE collection on machine learning in health and biomedicine: Towards open code and open data
Recent years have seen a surge of studies in machine learning in health and biomedicine, driven by digitalization of healthcare environments and increasingly accessible computer systems for conducting analyses. Many of us believe that these developments will lead to significant improvements in patie...
The domain of geophysics has historically been a driver of scientific software development due to the size, complexity, and societal importance of the research questions. Geophysical computation complements field observation, laboratory analysis, experiment, and theory. Specialized scientific softwa...
文章先采用内容分析法对国内知识图谱研究论文中的软件引用情况进行深入细致分析,再利用扩散广 度和扩散速度等知识扩散指标对论文中发现的高频使用的 10 个知识图谱软件在学术交流系统中的扩散特征进 行探索性研究。结果表明:国内知识图谱研究对软件的依赖程度不断提升,2017 年提及软件的论文占比超过 90%,然而这并未带来软件引用缺失状况的改善,软件引用缺失依然严重;知识图谱研究人员接受和使用新软件 的速度在不断加快;知识图谱软件起初的扩散比较缓慢,随着时间的推移而不断加快,目前仍未见扩散放缓;知识 图谱软件较早地出现在图书馆、情报与文献学、管理学、新闻学与传播学和计算机科学领域,并在图书馆、情报与 ...