
Scientific software resource navigation


参考文献: Howison J, Bullard J. Software in the scientific literature: Problems with seeing, finding, and using software mentioned in the biology literature[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2016, 67(9): 2137-2155.

参考文献: 崔明, 潘雪莲, 华薇娜. 我国图书情报领域的软件使用和引用研究[J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2018, 44(3): 66-78.

参考文献: 潘雪莲,孙梦佳,于晓彤,华薇娜. 中国科研人员的科学软件使用和引用行为研究.


你需要引用在你研究中使用到的所有的软件,包括那些用于产生和分析数据的软件。Force11(一个在线学术社区) 认为:“软件应当同其他研究产出,如论文和著作,一样得到引用;这就是说,作者需要适当地引用软件们,就像他们会适当地引用论文一样”。






1)APA格式第六版(American Psychological Association 6th edition)

Reference format for computer software and code:
Rightsholder, A. A. (year). Title of Software or Program (Version number) [Type of software]. Retrieved from http://xxxxx

Example References:
Customized Synergy [Computer software]. (2014). Retrieved from http://customizedsynergy.com
Esolang, A. N. (2014). Obscure Reference Generator [Computer software]. Washington, DC: E & K Press.
McCarthy, P. (2018). Shoelace formula for polygonal area (Python recipe) [Source code]. Retrieved from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/580812-shoelace-formula-for-polygonal-area/?in=lang-python

Example In-text citation:
“We used the Obscure Reference Generator (Version 2.1; Esolang, 2014) and Version 1.0 of Customized Synergy (2014) to complete our work."

• It is not necessary to cite 'standard software' such as Microsoft Word, Java, and Adobe Photoshop, SPSS or SAS.
• You should provide a reference for specialized software, for example an open source software used to display items to the participants in your study.
• Use an individual’s name in the reference if he or she has proprietary rights to the program. In all other cases, create a reference as you would for un-authored works.

2)哈佛引用格式(Harvard Reference Style (Author-Date))

Reference format for software:
Author, Initial year of publication, Title: subtitle, software, version/series etc, Publisher, Place of publication. Example References:
MathWorks Inc., 2019, Matlab, computer program, v R2019b, viewed 18 October 2019, https://au.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html

Endnote X5 2011, software, version 9.01, Thomson ResearchSoft, Carlsbad, http://www.endnote.com/enhome.asp

Hadley, W., 2019, stringr: Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations, computer program, R package version 1.4.0, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=stringr.

Example In-text citation:
“Reference management software, such as EndNote X5 (2011) and a R package stringr (Hadley 2019) was used to process the data.”

• Individual authors are rarely acknowledged. If you cannot find a named author of an electronic source then use the organisation or title in place of the author. If you are using the title instead of an author for the in-text citation, the title will need to be placed in italics.

3)美国天文学会期刊(American Astronomical Society Journals)

Software can be cited in two ways
• Citing the article describing the software (e.g. galpy: A python Library for Galactic Dynamics, Bovy 2015, ApJ, 216, 29);
• Citing a DOI for the software, for example, obtained via Zenodo or FigShare (e.g. Foreman-Mackey et al. 2014, corner.py, v0.1.1, Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.11020, as developed on GitHub)

• Ideally, both forms of citation should be included; alongside these formal references, authors may also want to include footnote URLs to appropriate code repositories, such as GitHub, or metadata indices, such as the Astrophysics Source Code Library.

4)电气与电子工程师协会期刊(IEEE Periodicals)

Reference format for manuals/software:
• J. K. Author (or Abbrev. Name of Co., City of Co. Abbrev. State, Country). Name of Manual/Handbook, x ed. (year). Accessed: Date. [Online]. Available: http://www.url.com
• Title of Software. (version or year). Publisher Name. Accessed: Date (when applicable). [Type of Medium]. Available: site/path/file

Example References:
• L. Breimann. Manual on Setting Up, Using, and Understanding Random Forests v4.0. (2003). Accessed on: Apr. 16, 2014. [Online]. Available: http://oz.berkeley.edu/users/breiman/Using_random_forests_v4.0.pdf
• Antenna Products. (2011). Antcom. Accessed: Feb. 12, 2014. [Online]. Available: http://www.antcom.com/ documents/catalogs/L1L2GPSAntennas.pdf


1) CiteAs


机构:Our Research

目标:Integrate research software products into the academic reward system

2) AppCiter


机构:SBGrid Consortium

目标:Researchers should properly cite all software applications that contributed to their project and can use SBGrid's AppCiter tool to quickly compile a list of relevant citations.


[1] Jackson, M. (2012). How to cite and describe software. The Software Sustainability Institute.

[2] Smith AM, Katz DS, Niemeyer KE, FORCE11 Software Citation Working Group. (2016) Software Citation Principles. PeerJ Computer Science 2:e86. DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.86

[3] Soito, L., & Hwang, L. J. (2017). Citations for software: Providing identification, access and recognition for research software.